Videos — village

Encouragement Wanted: A Guide to Supporting your Cloth Diapering Sista!

auntie Because I Cloth Diaper... black moms do cloth diaper cloth diaper journey how to be a good friend tribe village

Encouragement Wanted: A Guide to Supporting your Cloth Diapering Sista!

Chile... sometimes it's hard out here in these cloth diapering streets. When you tell someone that you intend to cloth diaper, some moms are often met with side eyes, unwarranted questions, or family and friends who aren't supportive. Sis if you find yourself lacking support, send this video to your vocal mother-in-law, aunties, friends, and anyone else who may question your decision. Let me gather them for you! Today is all about being a supportive cloth diapering tribe!

For more on simplifying your cloth diapering experience, head over to our blog at

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Dads Do Cloth Diaper: Cloth Diapering Tips and Advice from a Dad's Perspective

Black Dads Cloth Diaper cloth diaper journey cloth diapering for beginners cloth diapers 101 cloth diapers for infants cloth diapers for toddlers Dads Do Cloth Diaper eco-friendly everything you need to know about cloth diapers how to clean a poop cloth diaper how to cloth diaper melanin Modern Moms natural organic Pandemic Life poop reusable diaper village wash day washable diaper

Dads Do Cloth Diaper: Cloth Diapering Tips and Advice from a Dad's Perspective

I'm handing the reigns of today's video over to my husband... Kinda! He's partnered alongside me to cloth diaper our two children. In this video, he'll share his favorite benefits of cloth diapering and the task he hates the most. A man's perspective and buy-in on cloth diapering is important. You don't want to go this alone especially at the very beginning. Show your partner this video to cultivate the much-needed support and reassurance that dads DO cloth diaper.

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